
Live MCQ™

Virtual Exam Center

Live MCQ™ is a Paid, Ad-free, and first-of-its-kind Virtual Exam Center in Bangladesh. The Android and iOS app was downloaded 900k+ times.

Medical Higher Study

Residency, FCPS, Diploma Preparation at Home

Medical Students can prepare themselves for higher degrees like FCPS, MD, MS, or Diploma after they complete their MBBS degree.

Live Written™

Virtual Exam Center for Written Preparations

The users can participate in real-like written exams and submit their exam scripts for expert review through this app.

CrackTech Ltd. is a technology company that upholds Ingenuity and Innovation as the foremost key to excellence.

Its current flagship product is the Live MCQ Android App, iOS App and website. Live MCQ is a Paid, Ad-free, and first of its kind Virtual Exam Center in Bangladesh. Where thousands of participants can compete like a real-world exam simulation and get their positions dynamically. Which helps them to prepare for the final competitive job exams. It has already been downloaded 900,000+ times and is still growing with greater possibilities. It is certified and protected by the Copyright Office of the Bangladesh Government.

The second product is the Medical Higher Study App and website. Where Medical Students can prepare themselves for higher degrees like FCPS, MD, MS, or Diploma after they complete their MBBS degree. This platform is largely helping the doctors who want to prepare for their higher studies from home due to personal or professional reasons.

Another product of ours is the Live Written Android & iOS App. This one is also a Paid, Ad-free, and first of its kind Virtual Written Exam Center in Bangladesh. The users can participate in real-like written exams and submit their exam script for expert review through this app.

CrackTech Ltd. with its dedicated team members is working hard to develop more innovative Apps in the near future.

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